Groups trying to remove "period poverty" and menstrual stigma

Share on PinterestExperts say that every fourth woman in her menstrual year cannot afford products for the necessary period, such as tampons, menstrual cups and pads. Getty Images

  • Organizations across the nation are working to try to end the stigma around menstruation.
  • The groups are also trying to alleviate what they call "period poverty," when girls and women can't afford essential period products like tampons and pads.
  • Experts say it is important to educate girls as well as teenagers about these issues.

In the early 1970s, girls everywhere were trying to buy the book "Are you there God? It's me, Margaret".

For many, Judy Blume's book was perhaps the first time in their lives that the world talked about what had long been a taboo subject: their periods.

While the book opened up a dialogue, the world never quite caught on.

And it is more than a shame because of this natural bodily function.

Prema reports, 1 out of 4 women experience "period poverty" in their menstrual year, ranging from the inability to buy necessary products, to the inability to work, go to school, or get out of life in general.

But today a new wave of advocates has appeared.

This ranges from local groups building "period packs" to distribute to those in need to national activist groups looking to change the laws around tax-free period products, as well as finding ways to get them into the hands of all menstruating people.

Those advocates are also, one story at a time, working to break down the social stigma of openly talking about periods.

The stigma is said to fuel "period poverty" when a menstruating person cannot afford basic menstrual supplies, such as tampons or pads.

"When basic need is a taboo subject, it's not a good situation," said Geoff David, CEO Period kits, a non-profit organization in Colorado.

The group is dedicated to getting products into the hands of those who need them, as well as changing the way the world views menstrual cycles.

"We're all here because mom got her period. That's how it works, it's called life," David told Healthline. "Periods deserve respect. Periods should be seen as strong and deep. "

The movement begins

Period kits were founded after a young woman suffering from poverty asked for kits to be distributed to others for her birthday.

When the need became clear, a non-profit organization and mission was born.

Currently, the organization collects, prepares and distributes as many as 1,000 kits per month in Colorado.

"We were at the Women's March and people were coming up to us and saying how great what we're doing and asking if we could distribute them to Kenya and places like that," David said.

"I said, 'No, we sent them to Broomfield (a city in Colorado)' and other places like that. People need to know that (period poverty) is happening here, today and in all our cities - 1 in XNUMX girl misses school because of it," He said.

David says they were immediately contacted by people in 14 cities across the country asking how they could address the issue in their region as well.

Why the rise in attention?

David says this is because more and more like-minded groups are emerging, much due to the work to destigmatize the period.

The movement is growing

Samantha Bell told Healthline that she joined Connecticut Period Supply Alliance as their director after what she saw as an organizer of community health resources.

Bell says she was able to access food, shelter and clothing for people in need, but "there wasn't a clear resource in the community that could help people who couldn't afford period supplies, which is obviously also a need."

When she saw the opening in the alliance, Bell knew she had found her calling. While her organization's focus is clear—to provide period supplies to those in need—they also want to address the challenge of the stigma of making this happen.

"We are committed to fighting stigma because we know it contributes to period poverty. To talk about the 1 in 4 women and girls who can't afford period supplies in the United States, of course we have to talk about periods. Decision makers need to be comfortable entering into that conversation," she said.

"For example, you can't make products available in schools without talking about periods in board meetings," Bell explained. "The stigma around menstruation hurts everyone who menstruates, and that's not right. But it especially hurts people who cannot afford to meet their basic needs. "

Breaking the stigma

Bell says part of breaking down that stigma may be in the way we view menstrual supplies.

"We need to recognize period supplies as a basic need," Bell said. "When you walk into a bathroom, you expect to find toilet paper, soap, and something to dry your hands. Why are things that both genders need standard, while things that are generally specific to women and girls are not provided?"

David believes he knows the route to get there faster.

"The stigma has to come down and men have to break them," he said. "A 14-year-old boy, that's what starts it. They think it's rough or nasty. We have to start there. People contact me and say, 'Can the Boy Scouts come and help?' and I'm grateful, but I think we need them scouts to come and help."

He also believes that period supplies should be free and available at every middle and high school.

"It's toilet paper," he said. "Why not deliver period?"

Lyzbeth Monard works with Days for girls to provide hand-sewn pads as well as menstrual cups to women in need in other nations, as well as in Virginia, where she lives.

With a group of mostly girls and women working monthly to provide supplies, she realized that as she worked to remove the stigma for these girls, she would have to do the same for the boys.

So they pushed for the boys to join them, and they succeeded.

"When we first educated them, there was a lot of winking for the first 5 minutes," Monard told Healthline. "But then they settled down and really listened. And they get it, I really think they do."

Consumer angle

These groups collect donated products and distribute them to those in need, including people who are incarcerated or homeless.

In addition, many organizations are pushing for changes, such as removing taxes on menstrual products, which 37 states still charge.

There is also the issue of costs.

Scotland will become the first country in the world to make tampons and pads free.

David hopes that one day the United States might come on board and make time poverty a thing of the past.

"It's really just about dignity," he said. "Providing period kit is simply providing dignity. Don't we all deserve that?"